Coconut Almond Cookies with Chia Berry Jam
This is a remake of a classic holiday cookie that is gluten-free, swapping regular flour for low-glycemic almond flour, which won’t cause a quick rise in blood sugar. Add in chia seeds with the jam, which provide protein, fiber and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Amazingly delicious!
Instructions: Heat oven to 325° F. Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper. In a small saucepan, stir together the blueberries and coconut sugar. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the berries soften and sugar is melted, about 5 minutes. Add the chia seeds and stir well. Reduce heat and simmer for about 5 minutes or until thickened. Remove from heat and cool.
Wisk almond butter, syrup and extracts until smooth. Add the almond flour, flax meal and salt and mix by hand with a spoon until dough forms. Add a drop or two of water if dough is too dry. Measure one tablespoon of dough and roll into a ball. Place on cookie tray, 2 inches apart. Press your thumb into the center of each ball and fill with ½ teaspoon of jam. Sprinkle with shredded coconut and bake for 18 minutes until golden brown. Cool completely.
Recipe adapted from and contributed by Dawn Kurth of No Kidding Nutrition.
Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Coconut Almond Cookies
Monday, December 14, 2015
Foot Pain During The Holidays Got You Down?
Defeating Foot Pain During the Holidays
Addressing the root cause and correcting the underlying biomechanical problem that’s responsible for your foot condition is extremely important for long-term relief and correction.
Did you know that 3 out of 4 people will suffer with foot pain and dysfunction? The American Podiatry Medical Association has estimated that 72% of Americans will have foot pain.
There is a solution however to that disabling foot pain; and it doesn’t have to take a long time to experience relief.
Most people don’t think of their chiropractor first when it comes to their foot condition. However, don’t let that to keep you from coming in to our clinic for a chiropractic evaluation for a foot problem.
We take great pride in providing a higher level of care for patients’ feet than what you would typically expect.
There are 26 bones in each foot and these bones are aligned into four separate arches. These four arches are designed to absorb the shock from each step. However, when you have misalignments of one or more of those 26 foot bones, it causes great stress to the arches of the foot as well as the surrounding muscles, joints and nerves.
Foot bone misalignments will often lead to foot pain, stiffness or dysfunction is they are left untreated.
Here at this clinic, we adjust the tiny bones and joints in the feet, restoring function and optimal performance. Many of our patients have suffered for years with unbearable foot pain and dysfunction and we have been able to help them immensely.
The foot adjustment is a gentle process, and it’s generally a pleasant experience to have your feet adjusted. Your feet will move and feel better when they are properly aligned.
Many of our foot patients have been referred by other satisfied patients. Thank you for recommending others to us for their foot health.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matt Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Ways to Increase a Child's Happiness this Holiday Season
4 Great Ways to Increase a Child's Happiness this Holiday Season And it's NOT What You Think!
According to a study by psychologists at the University of British Columbia, children are happier to give than to receive. In this study, children were asked to give away their own treats, as well as extra treats. They showed greater happiness about sharing their own possessions. The study suggested that the act of personal sacrifice was emotionally more rewarding to the children involved.
What is the best way to increase your children’s holiday cheer? According to the research, it’s allowing them the opportunity to give.
Here are 4 great ways you and your family can give back this holiday season.
2. Donate books. Spread your joy for books to others that like to read. Collect books that you may never read again and look for ways to give locally. You will save on shipping costs and help those in your community. Consider your local libraries, Goodwill, or Salvation Army. If shipping is not a problem, you may consider great charities such as “Books for Soldiers” or “Books for Africa”.
3. Deliver cookies. Baking cookies as a family is a common activity during the holiday season. Make a few extras to gift those who are serving the community by working on Christmas day. Hotels, airports, hospitals, fire stations and stores are open for business. Call ahead and check company policy before you deliver.
4. Give yourself. Pack up the kids for a quick holiday visit to those that matter most. Bring egg nog or hot chocolate and share a cup (…or two) with those relatives who you do not normally have the opportunity to spend extra time with during the year. Start a tradition while strengthening family bonds.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matt Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Monday, November 30, 2015
Cold Weather Affects on Your Body
Cold Weather Affects On Your Body
Your teeth chatter, your body shivers, and despite all your efforts to bundle up from head-to-toe, you can’t prevent it, the cold weather has arrived. Every person reacts differently to thermal stress. Age, fitness level and underlying diseases play a major part in someone’s reaction to cold. All these reactions are an attempt by your body to preserve heat, although not a very successful one.

With cold weather comes more impaired immune systems, and that’s pretty much an invitation for the common cold. In addition, the cold weather can affect your body in ways that never crossed your mind. Besides leaving you vulnerable to viruses, here are other ways the cold weather affects your body.
Migraines – With temperature change comes the falling of barometric pressure, also known as atmospheric pressure that is most noticeable in drastic shifts of the weather and temperature. The pressure can be so intense with cold weather that it can lead to sinus issues and migraines.
Muscle and Joint Stiffness – Our bodies, which are about 70 percent water, can become more sensitive in colder weather. As temperatures drop, our bodies can lose elasticity, and it becomes harder to stretch. Colder temperatures can also cause painful changes in joint fluid thickness.
Weakened Hair and Nails – Cold temperatures can warp hair cuticles and make hair scales weak causing split ends to form while blood circulation slows down in cold weather causing your nails to become weak and brittle.
Depression – Season Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression with a season pattern, occurring most often in months when there is less daylight. It is most common between the ages of 18 and 30 and affects more women than men. People with SAD may have abnormally low levels of serotonin and high levels of melatonin, which affects sleep quality and happiness.
Vasoconstriction – When temperatures hit 50 degrees Fahrenheit, your blood vessels narrow to reduce blood flow near the body’s surface. Sometimes the blood vessels dilate and burst which causes redness and can also numb your hands.
Heat loss in cold, wet weather increases the risk for hypothermia, frost bite and other cold injuries. Heat loss can occur in warm temperatures through conduction. For those of you who live where the winters are bitter and brutal, it is important to pack on the layers when taking a trip outside. For those who experience warm winters, swimming or sitting in cool or cold water can cause the body to lose heat very quickly, so think twice before taking dip to cool down.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matt Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Monday, November 23, 2015
Chocolate Quinoa Chippers Recipe
Chocolate Quinoa Chippers
With 13 grams of protein in a cup of quinoa flakes and over 5 grams in a mere tablespoon of hempseeds, this delicious cookie is packed with protein and contains more fiber, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and minerals than a traditional chocolate chip cookie. And they’re delicious!
Directions: Heat oven to 375° F. In medium bowl, combine flour, cacao, baking soda and salt; mix well. In large bowl, beat butter, sugars and vanilla extract with electric mixer until creamy.
Beat in eggs one at a time. Gradually add flour mixture, beating slowly to incorporate. Stir in dark chocolate chips, quinoa flakes and hemp seeds. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto parchment lined baking sheet.
Bake 9 to 12 minutes. Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely. Makes about 4 dozen.
Contributed by Dawn Kurth of No Kidding Nutrition. Click here for more delicious and healthy recipes like this one.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matt Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
The Cause of Foot Bunions

The bunion deformity is merely the result of a more profound problem involving the entire foot structure. There is a “normal posture” of the foot’s structure, and when that structure is maintained a bunion will not develop.
A bunion is a deformity involving the big toe. As the bunion develops you will begin to notice an enlargement on the inner side of the first toe near the metatarsal-phalangeal joint (MTP joint). The MTP joint is where the big toe joins to the long bone of the foot.
As a bunion continues to enlarge you may begin to experience pain, swelling and limited range of motion in the MTP joint. You may even develop pain due to the rubbing and friction of your bunion on the inside of constricting shoes.
Most patients who suffer from bunions and many doctors who have treated those patients do not understand the actual cause of why the bunion developed in the first place. Most doctors believe that the bunion was caused by an inward misalignment of the first metatarsal bone (the long bone on the inner side of the foot), combined with a compensatory outward deviation of the large toe. Although this is a correct observation with a bunion deformity, it is not the true underlying cause of the bunion formation.
There are 26 bones in the foot. Those bones all have a normal, healthy alignment that they are supposed to be in. The primary misalignment or foot dysfunction leading up to a bunion formation develops in the hind-foot. The hind-foot consists of two primary bones, the heel and ankle bones. When the heel and ankle lose their healthy alignment, it causes a domino effect of misalignments into the mid-foot and fore-foot.
A common proposed solution for bunions in the medical world is to break the first metatarsal bone and bend it into a straightened position. The problem with this procedure is that it does nothing to improve the actual underlying biomechanical problem that caused the bunion.
A better solution is to work with the entire foot to diagnose and correct the alignment of the heel and ankle and then the mid-foot and fore-foot.
In addition to adjusting the spine, we also work on correcting misalignments of the feet. We do this through gentle adjustments to the foot bones.
Our foot patients love having their feet adjusted. Since your feet are the foundation, having them adjusted and aligned properly will benefit your entire body.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Monday, November 9, 2015
5 Simple Ways to Improve your Health with Gratitude
We wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving season! You will find valuable health tips in every month’s issue of our Full Body Chiropractic Newsletter.
We strive to provide the latest and best health information to help you meet your goals and have the well-being you deserve. Please continue to share your testimonials, as many of you have been experiencing wonderful results with chiropractic care at our clinic.
5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health with Gratitude
Dr. Robert A. Emmons described research he carried out with three experimental groups over 10 weeks (Emmons & McCullough, 2003): People who expressed daily gratitude felt 25% happier. They were more optimistic about the future, they felt better about their lives, and they even exercised 1.5 hours longer per week on average.
Here are 5 simple ways to improve your health with gratitude.
1. Keep a gratitude journal.
Take time first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening to write three to five things about what you are thankful for. Keep a notebook, journal, or loose paper and a pen on your nightstand for convenience. Reflect on the good, pure and lovely highlights of your day and transcribe them onto paper. You will feel better and have a deeper sense of appreciation.
2. Speak positively to yourself.
Learn to tame your “inner chatter” with only words of encouragement, edification and confidence. Transform any self-doubt, negativity and words of disapproval such as,
“I am not good enough or worthy” to words like “I am worth it, I am valuable, I deserve to have the best in my life.”
Speaking and thinking positivity over yourself will improve your self esteem and cause you to feel better and happier about yourself.
3. Surround yourself with optimists.
Find people that are grateful and spend quality time with them. Chances are you are like those that you hang around with most. This is true with attitudes. Make sure that the people you spend the most time with are uplifting and live life in a positive light instead of an ungrateful manner. Other people’s gratitude and positivity will rub off on you and as a result you will become a happier and healthier person.
4. Listen to and read uplifting material.
Spend leisure time indulging in edifying material. Books and audios that build up the inner man and make you feel good about yourself and life. Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Joyce Meyer and other wonderful authors have wonderful material to encourage, motivate and promote proper thinking.
5. Take time to say thank you.
One of the best ways to remain thankful is to tell others you appreciate them and how much they mean to you. A simple handwritten note is a nice touch and means a lot to the one receiving it. Picking up the phone to call someone and say “thank you” goes a long way and will cause you to feel good in the process. As you engage in making other’s feel appreciated you will in turn reap great rewards with your own happiness and emotional health.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Monday, October 26, 2015
A Complete Wellness Approach

Wellness plans include regular checkups with your physician and dentist, so why not your chiropractor? Chiropractic care is more than fixing bad backs and alleviating pain. Regular chiropractic care gives the patient energy and increased endurance.
People maintain their teeth and their car, but forget about their nervous system. There is a common misconception that the absence of pain means that the body is healthy. Wellness is more concerned with a higher level of thinking that requires that the patient be at their mental and physical best to get the most out of life. Again, the nervous system brings your body up to this level through regular chiropractic care. For those who seek to live their best life through a comprehensive wellness plan, regular chiropractic care is an essential element.
Chiropractic treatment enables your body to benefit from the rest of your wellness routine. If you are exercising regularly, chiropractic treatment enables you to do so without added pain and stiffness. If you are eating well, regular chiropractic treatments aid in a regular digestion system. Chiropractic has the ability to bring together all aspects of a wellness program so you can reap the maximum benefits from your healthy lifestyle. The result is more vitality, greater endurance, and the ability to be the best in all that you do.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Thumb Arthritis
A Solution for Thumb Arthritis

This thumb joint is the most common joint in the entire body to become arthritic in the greatest number of people.
There is a tiny bone in the carpal (wrist) area known as the trapezium. The trapezium is directly above the first metacarpal (the long bone for the thumb), where the thumb connects to the wrist. This joint is known as a “saddle joint” because it has a unique shape similar to a horse’s saddle. The saddle shape provides this joint a much greater range of motion compared to the other thumb and finger joints. It is at this joint where thumb arthritis occurs.
Because there is such broad motion at this “saddle joint”, it gets the heaviest workout. We use our thumbs to grip and hold most objects, and the thumb is always opposing the four fingers.
The fingers oppose the thumb four against one.
After a period of time the thumb may lose its healthy alignment where it connects to the carpal region. This misalignment will irritate the joint and cause the cartilage surfaces to become worn. This wearing of the cartilage is referred to as degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis.
It is a common misconception that arthritis cannot be treated through chiropractic. Practically every patient we treat has some form of arthritis. If you break the word down to its root meaning, arthritis means “joint inflammation”. When two bones become misaligned relative to each other, the joint at which they connect becomes irritated and inflamed.
Adjusting the small wrist and hand bones will restore healthy alignment and function to the irritated joints. In addition to pain relief patients often experience increased strength, range of motion and greater ability to grip objects for longer periods of time without pain and fatigue.
Arthritic pain and dysfunction can be helped with chiropractic care. If you or someone you know is dealing with arthritic pain, we recommend a chiropractic evaluation to determine if there is a solution that can provide relief and restore healthy function to their hand.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Three Important Fall Health Tips
As cooler weather begins to set in it is vitally important to focus on better health and a stronger immune system. We’ve included three important health tips that your family will benefit from this time of year.
It’s also the time of year when more patients start to experience thumb pain and symptoms related to thumb arthritis and/or overuse. You will be pleased to know that you don’t have to learn to live with a painful thumb. This month’s article on solutions for thumb arthritis will provide you the education you need to make an informed decision, for improving the health of your hands.
Enjoy the seasonal changes we’re about to experience, and thank you for sharing our Full Body Chiropractic Newsletter with your friends.
Three Important Autumn Health Tips
Heading into the cooler months there are three very important health tips that come to mind. If you follow these three tips your chances of an enjoyable fall season will increase substantially. Here are those three health tips:
1. Trade sweets for healthy snacks: Studies show that one teaspoon of sugar will reduce your immune system’s function for up to six hours. Those sodas and sugary snacks will provide you with short-term bliss; however they will also hamper your body’s ability to ward off contracting the cold or flu.
If cutting out all sweets seems to be too much of a challenge, you should consider reducing your intake by one-half. So if you’re used to two sodas, two cookies and a handful of chocolates, you may want to trade a bottle of soda for a glass of water, a cookie for an apple and a few chocolates for some veggies with dip.
Although it may not be easy at first, the noticeable health benefits you gain will certainly make up for the sacrifice.
Your stretching routine doesn’t have to be a long, drawn out process. Even five minutes of pre activity stretching can make a world of difference. If you’re simply going for a jog you may be fine with stretching your calves, hamstrings and quadriceps. On the other hand if you’re going to play tennis or some other racquet sport you may also want to include upper body stretches for your shoulders and arms.
Also keep in mind that it is just as important, if not more important, to stretch your muscles after your workout as a cool-down technique.
3. Receive your chiropractic wellness adjustment: The testimonials we receive from our patients speak loud and clear the health benefits of getting a regular chiropractic checkup.
Many of our patients bring their entire family in for a routine chiropractic adjustment. They do this because they have found that having a periodic wellness adjustment will keep their spines and other body areas “fine-tuned” and functioning at its optimal potential.
Periodic chiropractic wellness adjustments will also help reduce your family’s medical expense. Good alignment promotes a healthy nervous system, allowing your body to consistently function at its peak performance, thus helping to prevent a major breakdown in health.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Monday, September 14, 2015
Heel Spurs and Heel Pain
Heel Spurs & Morning Heel Pain
Some people experience sharp, stabbing foot pain immediately upon awakening and getting out of bed. Heel pain first thing in the morning is a sign that you may have a heel spur.
The morning foot pain associated with a heel spur normally lasts about 10 minutes or less before it begins to calm down; however the pain pattern may become worse over time until it eventually becomes constant.
Each foot has 26 movable tarsal bones which are arranged into a network of arches. However when you lose the healthy alignment of one or more of those bones you may begin to develop foot pain.
Two of the most common foot conditions that develop as a result of misalignments are plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.

Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which the soft tissues on the bottom of the foot (the plantar fascia) become overstretched, irritated and inflamed. The classic symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis include pain on the bottom of the heel and sometimes into the arch of the foot.
Attaching from the heel to the five toes, the plantar fascia spans the entire plantar surface of the foot. Due to misalignments of the tarsal bones and altered foot function, this tissue becomes overstretched and develops micro-tears near its attachment at the heel bone.
If the tarsal bones aren’t realigned in a timely fashion, the foot will begin to develop a bony heel spur near the attachment site of the plantar fascia.
It’s important to note that a heel spur does not cause pain by itself. Rather it’s the irritation, micro-tearing and inflammation of the connecting plantar fascia that results in heel pain.
As plantar fasciitis remains untreated and is allowed to progress into a chronic condition, a heel spur may develop and continue to become larger and more prominent over time. Common symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis accompanied by a heel spur, includes morning heel pain first thing upon standing up.
Specific chiropractic adjustments to the foot bones will correct the underlying mechanical problem, improve foot function and ease tissue stress. Getting your feet adjusted is an effective, non-surgical solution for alleviating the pain associated with plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Can Chiropractic Help Broken Bones?

For example, let’s assume that you fell and used your hand to brace your fall, and as a result you broke your forearm. In addition to the fractured forearm, you will also likely have suffered a misalignment at the wrist, elbow and possibly even the shoulder.
People who have suffered an injury in which they fractured a bone, will often say something such as, “I broke my wrist so chiropractic can’t help me.” However in actuality the exact opposite is often the case.
While it’s true that chiropractors don’t adjust fractures, it is vitally important to have the nearby joints checked for misalignments. If a trauma was significant enough to break a bone, that means there was more than enough force to cause misalignments at its neighboring joints.
Of course the immediate treatment should be to stabilize the fracture and have it casted or braced appropriately by a medical expert; however, as soon as the healing process permits you should have the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints checked for misalignments. It’s even possible that such a fall could cause injury or misalignments in spine as well.
It’s interesting that many patients will normally seek chiropractic care immediately following an injury that didn’t involve a broken bone, but wait several months before getting adjusted if the injury involved a fracture.
You should rest assured that it is completely safe to be checked and adjusted shortly after having suffered a fracture. While we may not be able to adjust the actual bone that broke if that fracture hasn’t yet fused, but we would most likely be able to address the adjacent areas.
Every case is unique as to whether or not we would be able to adjust the area adjacent to the fractured bone. In the unfortunate event of an injury that results in a fracture, we recommend that you schedule to have an examination here at this clinic to rule out potential misalignment problems, and to determine your options in having those misalignments corrected.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
Monday, August 31, 2015
Backpack Safety for School Age Children

1. Choose size over style.
We encourage all parents to bring their children in periodically for chiropractic care. Chiropractic is safe and effective for kids of all ages and it will help to maintain optimal spine posture and overall health.
Just like children, backpacks come in all shapes and sizes. That's why we've created an easy to follow list when selecting the appropriate backpack.
If your child wears a backpack that's too large for their frame, chances are they will haul around more than is safe for their spine.
Use your child's back as the tape measure. The top of a backpack should not go above your child's shoulders and the bottom of the bag should sit 1 to 2 inches above their beltline. The width of the backpack should reach shoulder blade to shoulder blade.
2. Don't over pack.
The first step in correctly packing a backpack is getting the right size bag as discussed in point number one. A bag larger than a child's back is too easily overstuffed with sports equipment, toys, science projects, snacks, and if there's room, the all important books.
Make sure the backpack weighs no more than 15-20% of your child's total body weight when full.
Begin packing the backpack by laying large, flat items at the back of the bag so they lay flat against your child's back. Then layer smaller books and items on top. Don't forget to utilize small pockets and compartments to better distribute the weight. Show your child where each item is so they can re-pack properly after school.
3. Use both straps.
Adjust both shoulder straps so the backpack fits snug against your child's back, but make sure it isn't too tight or cutting into their shoulders. As impossible as it may seem, make sure your child uses both shoulder straps. It's the best way to avoid spine or back injury. Your child should be comfortable carrying a fully packed bag if it is adjusted and worn correctly.
If your child's backpack fits improperly or isn't worn correctly, it can lead to poor posture and eventually childhood back problems. Make sure you select the best-fitting bag for your child to help protect their spine.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Self Massage Technique for Hand Pain
Easy Self-Massage to Alleviate Hand Discomfort
If you experience stress or fatigue in your hands it wouldn’t be uncommon for most to deem it unnecessary to call in for a checkup, however it could be an indicator of an underlying hand problem.
In the meantime I’d like to give you a simple self-relaxation technique you can use to relieve your hand tightness and fatigue. Keep in mind however these relaxation techniques will not correct the underlying problem, rather it will merely provide short-term relief to help you better cope with hand symptoms.
To apply this self-massage technique you will use one hand to massage the other. To avoid any confusion I will guide you through this simple technique for massaging the right hand. You may do this on yourself as you read the instructions using your left hand to massage your right hand.
There are two major areas of the palm that we will focus on:
- The fleshy muscle pad on the thumb side of your hand (aka thenar pad)
- The fleshy muscle pad on the pinky finger side of your hand (aka hypothenar pad)
There are several small muscles that make up these two prominent muscle pads on the palm surface of your hand. Massaging these two fleshy pads periodically throughout the day can help keep your hand relaxed and functioning as you continue to work.
You should use the thumb of your left hand to gently stroke the thenar pad on your right hand. One of the best methods to work this muscle group is to stroke from the crease at the central portion of your hand (known as the palmar crease) outward toward your thumb.
Massage the thenar pad area for approximately 30-60 seconds and then take a short break.
Now you should perform a very similar process to the hypothenar pad on the pinky side of your right hand. Again you should work the muscle group by starting near the palmar crease and stroking outward toward the edge of your hand. You may also massage by starting near the wrist and stroking outward toward the pinky finger.
Keep in mind that these massage techniques are not supposed to cause pain. They also are not meant to diagnose or treat any hand condition you may have. These gentle massage techniques are merely to help you temporarily relax your stressed and fatigued hands.
Again if you have been suffering with hand symptoms (even mild symptoms) we highly recommend that you schedule for a hand evaluation at our clinic.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Monday, August 3, 2015
Neck Pain
Neck pain can affect many aspects of your daily life. It can be painful, limiting, and even debilitating. Knowing the common causes and treatments of neck pain can help improve the life of someone with neck pain and inspire others to be aware of the wear and tear your neck can go through.
How Is Neck Pain Caused?
Injury, age, and daily wear can affect your neck. When the cervical spine goes through sudden force, the vertebrae can become misaligned. This is referred to as a subluxation. This can be caused by anything from a minor slip to a car accident. Another common neck injury in a car accident is whiplash. In this scenario, the cervical spine is forced forward and then pulled back in a fast motion. The whipping motion strains the spine and the supporting tissues of the neck and head.
As we age, degenerative disorders can develop that affect the spine. Osteoarthritis causes deterioration of the cartilage. When cartilage deteriorates, the bones respond by developing bone spurs, boney projections that irritate surrounding tissue. Spinal stenosis is another condition that can cause neck pain. Spinal stenosis causes nerve passageways in the vertebrae to narrow, trapping nerve roots. Another condition, degenerative disc disease reduces the height and elasticity of intervertebral discs. This can cause the discs to bulge or herniate, causing pain amongst themselves and their surrounding areas.
Daily life and personal habits can also cause neck pain. Poor posture leads to the build-up of scar tissue around the spine and associated muscles, which cause the neck to stay that position. Obesity and weak abdominal muscles also contribute to the neck being pushed forward in an unnatural position. Stress can cause muscles in the neck to contract, causing pain and tightness.
How Chiropractic Care Can Help Neck Pain
When you first see your chiropractor, he or she will ask questions about your neck and the pain you are feeling. Physical and neurological exams will be performed, and if needed, a CT scan, an MRI, or an EMG may be performed. For misaligned joints in the neck, your chiropractor can perform neck adjustments. These adjustments are performed by hand using quick, precise movements to shift the neck back into line. This will decrease the pressure that the misalignment is causing and provide pain relief to the area. In addition to adjustments, your chiropractor may want to implement massage, mobilization, or exercises. Treatment type and duration will depend on what is causing your neck pain and the severity of the case.
If you have a stiff, swollen, or painful neck, schedule an appointment to see your chiropractor. Do not let neck pain keep you from living your life.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
How Is Neck Pain Caused?
Injury, age, and daily wear can affect your neck. When the cervical spine goes through sudden force, the vertebrae can become misaligned. This is referred to as a subluxation. This can be caused by anything from a minor slip to a car accident. Another common neck injury in a car accident is whiplash. In this scenario, the cervical spine is forced forward and then pulled back in a fast motion. The whipping motion strains the spine and the supporting tissues of the neck and head.
As we age, degenerative disorders can develop that affect the spine. Osteoarthritis causes deterioration of the cartilage. When cartilage deteriorates, the bones respond by developing bone spurs, boney projections that irritate surrounding tissue. Spinal stenosis is another condition that can cause neck pain. Spinal stenosis causes nerve passageways in the vertebrae to narrow, trapping nerve roots. Another condition, degenerative disc disease reduces the height and elasticity of intervertebral discs. This can cause the discs to bulge or herniate, causing pain amongst themselves and their surrounding areas.
Daily life and personal habits can also cause neck pain. Poor posture leads to the build-up of scar tissue around the spine and associated muscles, which cause the neck to stay that position. Obesity and weak abdominal muscles also contribute to the neck being pushed forward in an unnatural position. Stress can cause muscles in the neck to contract, causing pain and tightness.
How Chiropractic Care Can Help Neck Pain
When you first see your chiropractor, he or she will ask questions about your neck and the pain you are feeling. Physical and neurological exams will be performed, and if needed, a CT scan, an MRI, or an EMG may be performed. For misaligned joints in the neck, your chiropractor can perform neck adjustments. These adjustments are performed by hand using quick, precise movements to shift the neck back into line. This will decrease the pressure that the misalignment is causing and provide pain relief to the area. In addition to adjustments, your chiropractor may want to implement massage, mobilization, or exercises. Treatment type and duration will depend on what is causing your neck pain and the severity of the case.
If you have a stiff, swollen, or painful neck, schedule an appointment to see your chiropractor. Do not let neck pain keep you from living your life.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
Monday, July 20, 2015
Tips on How to Avoid Foot Problems while Standing Around
Avoiding Foot Problems from Standing Around
Two common activities that affect the health of your feet are stance and gait. The weight of your body pushes downward thus driving your heels and feet into the ground.
Standing in one spot for several hours at a time can be especially stressful to your feet and your entire body. Common symptoms that develop may include foot pain, knee pain and lower back pain.
If you must stand in the same position for a prolonged period of time, we recommend that you keep your legs and feet moving periodically throughout that time. You can bend your knees, march in place, dance in place or take small steps in either direction. Moving around while standing in one spot will improve circulation and alleviate sustained pressure and stress from your feet, knees, hips and spine.
The healthier your feet, the better they will absorb the stress your body experiences from prolonged standing. When the 52 bones that comprise both of your feet are in their healthy alignment, they will certainly help to protect your legs and back and reduce the potential for injuries.
However when your foot bones lose their healthy alignment, the feet will not do as good of job in absorbing shock while standing and walking. This will cause greater stress on your knees, hips and spine. Foot misalignments and dysfunction are a leading cause of back pain.
There are four major misalignment patterns that may affect your feet:
- flat feet
- high arches
- pronation (walking too much on the inside arch of your foot)
- supination (walking too much on the outside edge of your foot)
You may not be aware that you actually have a misalignment or structural problem in your feet. In many cases a foot may appear to be normal at first glance, but a thorough examination could indicate differently. Just because your feet look healthy doesn’t mean that they actually are.
It is our goal to provide the most complete care possible for you as our patient. If we haven’t already evaluated your feet and you would like us to do so, please mention that to us during your next appointment. People don’t typically think of the chiropractor first when it comes to their feet, so we appreciate you for helping us spread the word about chiropractic foot care to your friends and family.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75070
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