Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Solution for Golfer's Elbow

A Solution for Golfer's Elbow
Those who suffer with golfer’s elbow know exactly how painful it can be.  You may not be aware of this but golfer’s elbow affects more than just golfers.
Golfer’s elbow is also known as medial epicondylitis.  The medial epicondyle is the name given to a small bump on the inner side of the upper arm bone (humerus) where it connects to the forearm bone (ulna) at the elbow.  Muscles that control the wrist and hand movements connect to the medial epicondyle.  Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow) occurs when the tendons to those muscles become stressed and irritated.
You may be wondering why these tendons become stressed and irritated.  It’s generally due to poor body mechanics while using the arms and hands during certain repetitive activities (such as swinging a golf club).  Golfer’s elbow is the common name given to this painful condition, however other repetitive activities such as throwing a ball, swinging a racquet or using hand tools can also contribute to medial epicondylitis.
If you develop pain on the inner side of your elbow that worsens with repetitive hand and arm activities, you may be suffering from golfer’s elbow.
Golfer's Elbow
Gentle chiropractic adjustments to the elbow, shoulder and wrist can greatly improve this debilitating condition.

Sometimes patients wonder why adjustments to the shoulder and wrist are necessary to correct this condition.  It’s because the forearm and upper arm bones connect to both the shoulder and wrist.  Therefore merely treating the elbow may only act as a band-aid and may not allow the elbow condition to become fully corrected.
You should also evaluate your body posture and mechanics as you engage in repetitive activities or sports that you practice in on a regular basis.  It may even be helpful to video tape yourself as you perform those activities.  You may be surprised by what you’ll learn when watching yourself on video.
After you’ve completed your chiropractic treatments and your elbow has become fully stabilized, it would be a good idea to return periodically for a “fine-tuning” chiropractic adjustment to help maintain healthy alignment and function.
***Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC 
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75070
(972) 540-5445

Monday, May 18, 2015

How to avoid Plantar Fasciitis

Keeping Your Plantar Fascia Healthy to Avoid Fasciitis!
There are 206 bones in the human body and 52 of them are in your feet.  Most people tend to take their feet for granted – walking, running, hiking, etc., until one day they’re out of commission.
The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that spans the surface on the bottom of your foot.  It connects from the heel to all five toes.  This fibrous tissue commonly becomes stressed and irritated during the spring months as people become more active outdoors.
Studies show that nearly 3 out of 4 people will suffer with disabling foot pain at some point during their lifetime.
Plantar fasciitis (pain at the bottom of the heel) is commonly the result of chronic misaligned bones in the foot.  When one or more of the 26 foot bones lose their healthy alignment it causes undue stress and irritation on the plantar fascia.
After your feet have been adjusted there are a few stretches that can be helpful in alleviating the stress your feet and plantar fascia may experience.
Here are two stretches that can be helpful in reducing the stress you experience in your feet while walking or running.  These two stretches are very similar to each other, but they are distinctly different in that they stretch two separate muscles.
Both stretches will affect the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia.  These two stretches are commonly referred to as a calf stretch or “runner’s stretch”.  The difference between the two is that one will be performed with the knee locked straight into extension and the other with the knee bent/flexed. 
The first stretch with the knee extended will affect the primary calf muscle known as the gastrocnemius (photo on left).  The second stretch with the knee flexed will affect the deeper muscle known as the soleus (photo on right)

It is important to stretch both of these muscles on a regular daily basis, especially after prolonged periods of walking or running.  However if you experience any pain in your ankle or lower extremity while doing these stretches, you should discontinue immediately.  Pain may be indicative of a potential health problem and you should have that evaluated.
If you have experienced foot pain or stress and haven’t had your feet adjusted, then you may want to consider getting a checkup at our clinic this spring.  We will evaluate your feet for imbalances and misalignments of the 26 bones.
When there is an alignment issue or an underlying condition with the foot structure, we can often detect those problems during an examination.    
Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC 
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75070
(972) 540-5445


Monday, May 11, 2015

Here is the proper way to protect your back when picking up your golf ball.

Protect Your Back Using the "Golfer's Lift"
Over 80% of Americans will suffer debilitating back pain during their lifetime. This means that you have a high chance of experiencing an injury that could cost you time away from work or life as you know it.
Many times injuries to the spine are caused by incorrect posture, poor lifting habits and other movements you perform on a routine basis.  To help avoid a possible injury you need to ensure that you always use proper body mechanics while bending over to pick up even the lightest of objects.
You need to understand the potential problems that can occur from lifting while bending over.  It’s common for people to bend at their waist without bending their knees.  Bending over or lifting objects without using proper body mechanics may compromise your spine which can lead to back problems.
Many times it’s while someone is lifting a small, lightweight object that they experience a new injury in their lower back. It’s common for people to use caution while lifting heavy items but ignore proper posture while picking up their pen that fell to the floor.  
The “golfer’s lift” is a great way to reduce stress on the back while picking up small, lightweight objects.
Have you ever noticed professional golfers when they retrieve the ball from the hole? They often bend over while standing on one leg as the other leg swings behind them acting as a counterbalance.  Because the lower back stays relatively straight using this lifting technique, this helps prevent lower back injuries.  Think about how many times golfers bend over to pick up the golf ball. That is why this lift is commonly referred to as the golfer’s lift.
Here’s how to properly use the golfer’s lift in 3 easy steps.
Golfer's Lift

Step 1-Stand near the object as if you were going to bend over and pick it up.
Step 2-Hold onto something to support you as you bend over.  Golfer’s often use their club for support. A table or chair would work great as a support.
Step 3-As you bend over to pick up the object, bend one leg slightly (the supporting leg) and slowly lift the other leg backward as you bend over.  Try to avoid bending too far at the waist without the free leg moving with your upper torso.
Step 4-As you slowly come back up with the object in hand, also bring your leg down until you are standing upright..
If you experience pain while practicing the golfer’s lift, discontinue using this lifting method. However if that is the case you should mention that on your next appointment and we can discuss other alternatives for lifting small objects.
Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.
Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC 
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75070
(972) 540-5445

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Family Gardening

Many of our patients have become more active lately by enjoying outdoor activities, sports and hobbies.  We also see a greater number of repetitive strain injuries from all the increased activity. 
Foot problems can begin to surface as your activity level increases.  Included in this month’s newsletter is an article on bunions and how we can help you alleviate the pain and dysfunction associated with your foot condition.  We will also share with you an important tip on proper lifting procedure to help prevent lower back injuries.
A Non-Surgical Solution for Bunions
The bunion is a misalignment deformity involving the big toe.  As the bunion develops you will begin to notice an enlargement on the inner side of the first toe near the metatarsal-phalangeal (MTP) joint where the big toe joins to the long bone of the foot.
As the bunion continues to enlarge you may begin to experience pain, swelling and limited range of motion in the MTP joint.  You may even have pain due to the rubbing and friction of your bunion on the inside of constricting shoes.
There are 26 bones in the foot.  When these bones lose their healthy alignment it may lead to the formation of a bunion.
A foot surgeon will often want to break the first metatarsal bone (the long bone in the foot) and bend it so that it appears to be straightened.  The problem with this procedure is that it does nothing to improve the actual underlying problem (the structural misalignment) that caused the bunion to develop in the first place.

When you develop a bunion there is typically a misalignment problem involving the hind-foot and mid-foot as well as the fore-foot.  This means that the bunion problem is a full-foot condition and must be treated as such.
At this clinic we work with the entire foot to diagnose and correct the alignment of the heel and ankle as well as the mid-foot and fore-foot.  That ensures a quicker return to health for patients who suffer with bunions and other foot disorders.
We have taken our chiropractic services to a whole new level.  We also work on correcting misalignments of the feet in addition to adjusting the spine.  We do this by providing gentle adjustments to the foot bones.
Our foot patients love having their feet adjusted.  Since your feet act as the foundation for your legs, pelvis and spine, having them aligned properly will benefit your entire body.