Monday, February 22, 2016

A Common Cause of Knee Pain

A Common Cause of Knee Pain 

Many of our patients have been becoming more active this time of year with activities such as jogging and new exercise routines as a way to meet those New Year health resolutions.  Every year at about this time we see a greater number of patients complaining of knee pain due to increased activity.

There are several possible causes for the specific knee pain you may be experiencing.  If you have painbehind the knee cap you may notice that climbing stairs or walking downstairs increases that pain.  Paindeep inside the knee may become worse as you bend into a squatted position or remain seated for prolonged periods.  Knee pain on the sides of the knee is often related to walking on uneven terrain, repetitive twisting movements, or being active for extended periods of time.

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments to the feet and knees can make a positive impact on reducing or eliminating those knee pains you may be suffering from?

Knee PainThe knee is a “hinge joint” similar to the hinge on a door.  Unlike the hip or shoulder joints, which move in multiple planes of motion, the knee is designed to only move in one plane (flexion and extension).  Because of its limited range of motion, the knee is vulnerable when the ankle, leg or hip becomes abnormally rotated or misaligned.

The knees depend upon the feet, ankles, leg and hip bones and joints being properly aligned in order to maintain their healthy function.  When any of those bones or joints loses its healthy alignment, you may begin to experience symptoms of pain, stiffness or popping in the knee joint.

Do not allow your knee problem continue without having it checked for misalignments.  When knee joint misalignments are left uncorrected, the cartilage (meniscus) inside the joint will begin to erode and wear down.  This is known as degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis.

Maintaining healthy alignment of your feet, legs and hips is one of the most important things you can do to proactively prevent against degenerative arthritis in the knee joint.

Our clinic takes great pride in being equipped to successfully treat most musculoskeletal knee conditions.  We would love to help if you or someone you know suffers with knee pain or reduced function.  Please call to make an appointment for yourself or anyone you would like to refer for a knee evaluation.

****Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.

Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
(972) 540-5445

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Low Impact Exercises to Minimize Joint Pain

Cardio Exercises with Joint Pain

It should be no surprise by now that cardiovascular exercise is not only a good idea, but very important for our bodies. Getting that heartrate up helps keep a healthy weight, helps keep our cardiovascular system healthy, reduces the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, and vastly improves our mood! However, when facing the difficulties of joint pain can really put a damper on that cardio exercise! It’s hard to find motivation to move when it causes you pain. Luckily, there are some low-impact exercises out there that still allow you to get a little sweaty! Read on and don’t let joint pain slow you down!

Why It’s Still Important
Though joint pain can make you want to take a backseat and live the couch life, that cardiovascular exercise is still so important. It can even help decrease your pain! So while it may be tough to get started, studies show that after consistent exercise and training, those with musculoskeletal pain had a decrease in symptoms! In addition, consistent exercise can help with increasing energy levels. If your past excuses have included being too tired, you now can eliminate that reasoning!

Taking It Easy
Joint pain can really make you want to stop moving altogether, especially during flare-ups. While you should not stop moving, you should take it easy on joints that are bothersome. You do not want to cause a severe flare-up or exercise in a way that makes you not want to ever do it again. That being said, try some of these low-impact exercises to benefit from that increased heartrate:

  • Swimming is the best way to get cardio exercise without hurting your joints. In addition to basically zero impact, the force of gravity is a lot less, too! The water actually supports your body. In addition to its cardio benefits, swimming also increases your strength and balance. If you’re new to swimming, consider joining a club or classes for beginners!
  • Cardio machines like the elliptical and the stationary bike are also great for tender joints, like the knees. They allow you to go as hard or as easy as you like and the impact on your joints is minimal. These machines are popular, too, so gyms usually have a lot of them on hand.
  • Walking is one more low-impact exercise that is very easily accessible. Almost anyone can find a space to walk in. Going for a brisk walk can get your heartrate up without slamming your joints. Some find that going for a walk with friends makes the activity seem more like socializing! On the other hand, many enjoy a nice, quiet walk by themselves.
Whatever exercise you choose, just make sure you are thinking of your joints! To get the best benefits from your activity, try to exercise for thirty minutes, three or four days out of the week!

****Disclaimer: This content is solely for informational purposes and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. It is recommended that you seek professional advice by a licensed health care professional.

Scott Chiropractic and Wellness
Matthew Scott, DC
5080 Virginia Pkwy Ste 550
McKinney, TX 75071
(972) 540-5445